Our annual Super Saturday activity will be on Saturday, November 9th at the building from 9-3p.m.. We'll be having a yummy soup and salad potluck, so be sure to sign up to bring something to share. This is also a great activity to invite your friends or neighbors to attend, just make sure to turn in their orders by the due date.
Available projects are listed below. Order forms are available at church on Sundays. All money and orders are due by Sunday, September 29th. Please give all payments and orders to Sarah. We regret that if payment is not received by that date, we will be unable to provide you with supplies on November 9th.
If you have any questions contact Jakelle, Jennifer, Karissa, or Sarah.
NEST NECKLACE: $5.00 - taught by Karissa
Necklace created
from wire and beads to resemble a bird’s nest, and the cute chain is included.
Plus, the number of eggs can be personalized for each pendant.
supply: Please bring a pair
of needle nose pliers
KEY WRISTLET: $2.50 - taught by Karissa
A fun strap and key
chain for holding keys on your wrist. Different colors of strap and ribbon will
be available.
supply: Nothing
MAGNET BOARD: $2.50 - taught by Jakelle
A fabric covered
magnetic board and four glass pendant magnets. Hangs from a ribbon.
supply: Fabric of your choice (a fat quarter will be enough), some
ribbon and scrapbook paper will be available or bring your own to personalize
and match your fabric.
$3.00 - taught by Jennifer
Beautiful wreath
created from paper cones.
Choose from the following colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, or white
Choose from the following paper cone
sizes: large cones or small cones
supply: Scissors
$1.00 - taught by Jennifer
A simple project
that makes a bookmark from a button, elastic, and ribbon.
If you are making 6 or more you can request a specific
type/color of ribbon
You supply: Scissors, some
ribbon available or bring your own.
GLUE GUN STAND: $2.50 - taught by Jennifer
Assemble and paint
a wooden stand to hold your glue gun while crafting.
supply: nothing
BIRTHDAY BLOCKS: $4.00 – taught by Sarah
Wooden blocks to
countdown to birthdays. Use chalkboard to change the number each day. Ribbon NOT included.
supply: Paper cutter, scissors, some paper available or bring your own,
PHOTO PLAQUE: $4.00 – taught by Sarah
Wooden plaque with
quote in the middle and space for two personal photos
Choose one photo
quote for the center panel. See Options below
supply: Scissors or paper
cutter, some paper available or bring your own, 2 vertical 4x6 photos
CALENDAR: $17.00 – taught by Sarah
A Christ centered
advent calendar, depicting events from the Savior’s life. Scripture references
behind each picture, including a few Book of Mormon references. This project is very time consuming and can take at least
4 hours to complete just one. Plan accordingly.
supply: Scissors, paper cutter, some paper available or bring your own.
HOME LETTERS: $6.00 – taught by Sarah
Wooden letters to
spell home, with seasonal change outs for the “O”: snowflake, bird, ladybug,
and pumpkin
supply: Scissors, some paper available or bring your own
SCARECROW: $4.50 – taught by Sarah
Wooden scarecrow
for fall decorating
supply: Scissors
PLAQUE: $8.00 – taught by Sarah
A square plaque
with panels to use to preserve pictures and important dates for your future
missionary. Both girl and boy titles available.
Girl titles include: Baptism,
Beehive, Mia Maid, Laurel, YW Medallion, Mission Call, Temple Endowment, Report to MTC.
Boy title include: Baptism, Deacon, Teacher, Priest, Mel. Priesthood, Mission Call, Temple Endowment, Report to MTC
You supply: Scissors and
ruler, or paper cutter
ORNAMENT: $0.50 – taught by Sarah
Small block
ornament with Christmas art on one side.
supply: Scissors, bring small family photos to personalize instead
I would love to know your source fot thr pictures fot the advent calendar. Please share!
ReplyDeleteI would also like to know what pictures and Scripture references you used for the Christmas Advent Calendar so that we can make them in our ward. Also, for the pictures are they printed on card stock/paper or are they the ones that you can purchase through the bookstore? Any other information would be much appreciated and helpful. Thank you
ReplyDeleteWe are doing the advent calendars in November of this year. We were wondering if you would let us know where you bought your supplies. We have priced them out, and the cheapest we have done is $24 each. Thank you for your help!
ReplyDeleteSuch fun crafts! My ward is also hoping to make the Christ advent calendars so any details you can offer would be much appreciated!!! Thanks!:)
ReplyDeleteI would also love to have instructions for the Christ Advent Calendar. My ward would like to do them as well.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to get the instructions for the advent calendar? I'd love to make them at our next Super Saturday. It's perfect!!
ReplyDeleteIm interested in the advent calendar as well. A list of what scripture and pictures used would be great. Thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteI am, also, interested in the templates for your advent calendar and scriptures. Please, contact me. maria.bone@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love the instructions, scriptures pictures, supplies etc. for the advent calendar. I want to make some for next year as gifts for some special people! laura.petersen1921@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would also love the instructions, scriptures, picture info and supplies etc. for the Christ advent calendar. Please email me information and any cost for this information to cmoser_rn4kids@netzero.com THANK YOU
ReplyDeleteWe are doing a Christmas in July for our super Saturday. I would love any information you can share regarding the advent calendar. I'm having a hard time finding the pictures. I'm also amazed at how low your price is. Thx!! dpennock5@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love instructions for the advent calendar also. It is awesome! pjmaes@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI would love information/instructions for the advent calendar also. Thank you in advance! benanddanie@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would also love the information about the advent calendar! It looks like a hot ticket item, haha! Thank you! luisa.perkes@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteLooking to do the advent calendar for our RS -- wondering where you got the pictures. Please email to createwithcarolyn@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteLooking to do the advent calendar for our RS -- wondering where you got the pictures. Please email to createwithcarolyn@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteWould LOVE instructions or any other information you have for the beautiful advent calendar as well! rachelwhitepierce(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in your advent calendar for my ward's super saturday coming up in November. Please send any information/instructions to me at danika(dot)holt(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWow! What awesome crafts! We are hoping to do the advent calendar for our super saturday! I would appreciate any information you could send me about it. My email is froh321@hotmail.com Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteI also LOVE the Advent Calendar!! & would love to have more info about how to make it. My email is popejules@aol.com. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI also love the advert calendar. Would love to have more information on it. mdmclark@silverstar.com. Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteI am adding my email to receive info about the advent calendar. Thank you! jana_pierce@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love more information about the advent calendar, please. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I would love more information about the advent calendar, please. Would like to offer this as apart of our fantastic Friday night
ReplyDeleteThank you! (Mandabassett@gmail.com)
Could I receive information on advent calendar please? Thank you!
I am also interested in the advent calendar. Could you send me instructions and any info that would help me put this together for our RS? Thanks! My email is reed.jillb@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love information about the HOME letters. We want to do something similar and I want to know where you got your supplies. Thanks! My email is alyson@bowenfamily.org
ReplyDeleteI would love information on the advent calendar as well, especially what quotes/scriptures were used. My email is kimdelrossi@yahoo.com. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteI would love to get instructions for the home and how you got such a great price! My super saturday is october 15
has anyone received info on the advent calendar? We would LOVE to do this in our ward! Please email me at info@frontdoormarketing.solutions
ReplyDeleteSarah if you see this what a beautiful project! I would LOVE instructions or at least to pick your brain....thanks
I would love the tutorial on the advent calendar please. My email is cassiejohnson08@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing
I would love the tutorial on the advent calendar please. My email is cassiejohnson08@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing
I would love a list of the scriptures and the pictures. email me at warrenfamof6@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHas anyone gotten instructions for the advent calendar? I am interested too! ericamerica(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI am interested in the pictures and scriptures for the advent calender. Any instructions would be helpful. Thank you! thomasangie_angie@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI want to know where you can get the HOME wooden letters with the seasonal "O"? It is so cute! But I don't see where can you get the kit.
Thank You!
If you can please e-mail me at brillodesol.13@gmail.com
I would love some details on your advent calendar. Such a great idea! You can email me at sarahlhaggard@gmail.com. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCould you please share where you purchased your items along with the directions for your Christ advent calendar? I would love to do this with my homeschool mothers.
Thank you,
I am in charge of a craft project for my Relief Society and would love some more information about your advent calendar; dimensions and how you sized the pictures, etc. You can reach me at sullivanhollow2reliefsociety@gmail.com. Thank you for your help!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone received information on the advent calendar? I so can you please share. ebwomom62@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteAre you sharing the advent calendar information? If so I would love the info. Or send me the person to contact. Thank you! Suzq08@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteCan anyone send me information on the advent calendar? Please Please
ReplyDeleteHarriet chic.harriet@att.net
Can anyone send me information on the advent calendar? Please! Please! Harriet
I would love the info for the advent calendar. Please email to christine__gifford@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI love the advent calendar and would like any information about making it. Please and thank you! spam4me2@outlook.com
ReplyDeleteI am helping plan a Super Saturday event and would love and appreciate info about the advant calander!!! Please and thank you!!! esteelou@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love the advent calendar and would like any information about making it. Can anyone please send info? Please and thank you!
I would also love information on the advent calendar. How to make it, what we need etc. Our relief society would love this. Thank you so much!
This advent calendar is just what I am looking for. My girls want to make onr for their grandparents for christmas this year. Any instructions, advice and information would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks daisywilson1@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAlmost all the comments are about the advent calendar- even a few years later. I made a similar one last year and thought I would share the post I took it from for those that may need a little direction: http://www.sunlitpages.com/2012/12/christ-savior-is-born-advent-calendar.html And I made some changes to mine too. I had to search for a while to get enough different pictures of Christ that I was happy with and that fit my 2.5 x 3 squares. In the end there were too many that were nice pictures but didn't tell the story of Christ's life. I'm in the middle of changing out my pictures. I went onto LDS.org and downloaded the ones they have from the recent movies about Christ's life. These cover more of his life and the miracles etc which will go better with the scriptures I want to use. And they are a whole lot less expensive than buying all the packages of small pics from Deseret book. For the front of my squares I used scrapbook paper and then the numbers cut out of vinyl. For the top I used Vinyl as well and used the title "Christmas begins with Christ." With Christ being on a rectangle of MDF board so it's elevated and stands out. Hope this helps. They do take a while to make. I hope my revamp turns out OK!
ReplyDeleteRe: The "Called To Serve" wall hanging
ReplyDeleteDo you sell this wonderful advancement board already made? If so, I would be interested in buying one from you. If not, I would like to make a similar version of your Called To Serve board for my grandson that will be baptized soon. Would you kindly provide me with the measurements of the black base board as well as the 8 individual thinner red wood pieces and the 1 slightly larger black piece w/quote? Also, are the word strips decoupaged onto the smaller boards? The two photos appear to be decoupaged as well, is that correct? How are the red photo boards and the black quote board attached to the larger black base board? Any information you are willing to share I would greatly appreciate. Many thanks, Terri
We would like to find the photos of Christ. I have checked the lds bookstore. Please help. Thank you